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What day is it? Where am I?

It's cloudy today. We went for a walk this morning, through the hazelnut orchard and down the lane past the century farm. A century farm is a farm that has been around for over 100 years. This farm, Chegwyn farm was started in 1909.  Our neighborhood is named after it, and where our house sits, was once a large hazelnut orchard stood until about 5 years ago.  When we first moved back to McMinnville (my wife grew up in this neighborhood), the orchard was still standing. When we built our house, it was surrounded on two sides by the orchard, and since then, they have cleared out and the neighborhood has continued to expand and roll out.  The family name is Chegwyn, which is a welch name. And if you were to drop a pin most anywhere on a country road on a map of wales and look at the google street view, where we live in McMinnville could nearly pass, save it were the amount of douglas fir trees.  For example.. Above is Wales, Below is a look at the area surrounding our

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